A word from the woman in the kitchen

So, I caved.  I have joined the blogosphere, though undoubtedly that term is terribly passe by now.  In any case, I spend a LOT of time searching for recipes; shopping for food; cooking; talking about food.  I figure I’m more likely to keep my friends if I let them read at their leisure rather than bombarding them with foodie conversation all the time.  And my dad and I remodeled my kitchen this year so I’m extra motivated in the cooking department!

Here’s the plan.  Any time I make a recipe that is new to me I’ll post it here.  Due credit to the source of course.  I’ll make a note of any adjustments I’ve made (and those of you who know me know there will be many of those).  I’ll let you know what I thought of it:  was it good?  was it easy?  good for dinner parties?  any special shopping required?

And so it begins.

(FYI the header picture is a small portion of my last tomato harvest last summer.  Not bad for a city garden)!

4 Responses to “A word from the woman in the kitchen”

  1. Christie Montgomery Says:

    i love the photo and can’t wait to be educated…

  2. Brandy Says:

    Love the new blog! I have it bookmarked now and look forward to reading it on a regular basis. Congrats!

  3. Sarah Cooleen Says:

    LOVE the photo and am very eager to read about your culinary adventures! I am looking forward to learning from you!

  4. Michelle Says:

    This is soooo cool. I’ve got you earmarked to check in regularly.

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